Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Our Newest Reviewer

Dianne K. Salerni is an elementary school teacher with a Masters in Education and eighteen years experience in the classroom. She is a native of Delaware who has spent her professional life in the Philadelphia metro area. She traditionally published three short books in the educational field with McDonald Publishing Company in 1997 and 1998, and her first novel, High Spirits, has been receiving accolades from many respected sources. Most recently, her seminal ideas on an Amazon discussion board for historical fiction novelists spawned the creation of the Independent Authors Guild. Along with several others, she has been instrumental in developing the growth of IAG through her blog and their Yahoo Group. She has been publishing book reviews, featuring mostly IAG authors, on her website, and now we welcome her to our PODBRAM family of book reviewers. Although Dianne will soon be reviewing the first poetry book to be featured on this site, her specialty is historical fiction.