Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The State of PODBRAM

Would anyone like to be the first to join the PODBRAM team as a satellite reviewer? I have been thinking over this concept very carefully for several weeks now, and I have concluded that this is an obviously possible option for the future state of iUBR. This would be one way that reviews could be sped up, rather than slowed down, as has recently been the case. I can personally read and review just so many books in a year. Certain issues of positive change in my personal lifestyle have also conspired to decrease the time I have available for reading and reviewing. The addition of at least one more reader/reviewer could speed up the posts at iUBR considerably, which should make both the authors and the readers happier. If anyone is interested, you can contact me at ice9 at e-tabitha.com. I shall be happy to discuss the parameters of the project with you at that time. Of course I would prefer another iU author, especially one with more than one iU book already released, but I am open to the consideration of adding anyone with the appropriate skills and interest to the team.

I am currently reading Amy Lane's Bound for the next review. Yes, the typos are, indeed, everywhere, but boy, can that Little Goddess write! So far at least, I would say that Bound may be bound to be the best of the Little Goddess series. Bound will be followed by Joy Collins' romance entitled Second Chance. Further applicants from The Waiting List will follow these two. A few interview subjects are currently being considered, but these may never actually materialize. My time constraints are limiting how much I can contribute to iUBR right now, and it is difficult to say if the situation will change soon or not.

What I would ideally like to see is the rebirth of The POD Review Ring so that many more derserving POD books could receive legitimate reviews, including those not published by iUniverse. I would like to see one or more satellite reviewers join iUBR at the same time, so that many more deserving iU authors could receive legitimate exposure, too. If I could farm out some of the reviews, I could devote more time to the composition of articles and interviews. It's always the reading and reviewing that absorbs so much time and burns out the POD bloggers. I am very much an organizational type of person. I enjoy the creation and editing of articles and posts as much or more than I do the reading and reviewing. If one or more volunteers for this project appear, maybe together we can speed up what has become a very slow process and reopen submissions soon. Otherwise, I'll still be putting my boat in the water before the last book on The Waiting List has been reviewed.

1 comment:

Darryl Sloan said...

You may wish to add my book reviews site to your list of active POD review sites. Whilst my site is no "POD only", it does have a "Self-published Books" category.
